Meetup PerfUG : Hibernate High-Performance OR Tuning Tips

le 27/11/2017 par Benjamin Brabant
Tags: Évènements

Exceptionally, for this last meetup of the year 2017, you will have to vote between two talks at the beginning of the session:

  1. High-Performance Hibernate
  2. Hibernate Tuning Tips

WARNING: This PerfUG will stand @Criteo (32 RUE BLANCHE 75009 PARIS)

1. High-Performance Hibernate

Hibernate is the most popular JPA provider and knowing its inner-workings can make the difference between a high-performance enterprise application and one that barely crawls.

This presentation goes through the most common performance bottlenecks issues like exotic mappings, too much flushing, inappropriate queries, JDBC batch updates misuse, and suboptimal result set fetching.

Aside from common anti-patterns, I will also present some very useful Hibernate features like the enhanced identifier generators, caching strategies, and state-of-the-art connection management and monitoring.


I've been answering over 1200 questions about Hibernate on StackOverflow, and this made me realize that Hibernate is still a very difficult topic for many application developers.

For this reason, I decided to write 100 articles about Hibernate on my blog ( ), as well as a book about High-Performance Java Persistence ( ).

  • what are the best identifier generators to use
  • what mappings are not suitable for a data-intensive application
  • how statement batching can be enabled and what can compromise its usage
  • flushing best practices
  • caching best practices and gotchas

2. Hibernate Tuning Tips

JPA is a very popular Java data access technology and knowing its inner-workings can make the difference between a high-performance enterprise application and one that barely crawls.

In this talk, I will also present some very useful Hibernate features like

  • state-of-the-art connection management and monitoring
  • optimal data fetching
  • data streaming best practices.

Vlad Mihalcea is the CEO of Hypersistence, and he also works as a Developer Advocate for the Hibernate project.

He is passionate about enterprise systems, data access frameworks, and distributed systems.

He wrote hundreds of articles about Hibernate on his blog, and he has a gold badge for the Hibernate, Java, and JPA tags on StackOverflow.

He's also the author of High-Performance Java Persistence.

Inscriptions et informations sur Meetup.

Cette session se tiendra exceptionnellement dans les locaux de Criteo (32 RUE BLANCHE 75009 PARIS) et sera suivie par un pot.


Le PerfUG est un meetup parisien qui a pour objectif d'offrir un lieu d’échanges informels où toutes les personnes intéressées par l’optimisation et la performance sont les bienvenues quel que soit leur niveau. Nous sommes convaincus que la performance est une feature implicite et non négociable d'une application et pourtant bien souvent oubliée. Le PerfUG permet d'échanger idées et pratiques sur ces sujets pour obtenir plus simplement des systèmes performants. Le PerfUG souhaite faciliter la diffusion des derniers outils et des meilleures techniques pour maîtriser au plus tôt la performance d’un système informatique.


Pour en apprendre davantage sur la Performance, retrouvez notre formation OCTO Academy : Performance des applications et du SI à l'ère du digital