Mickaël Tricot

In the first part of this article, we talked about new front-end architectures, which consist of JavaScript Web applications using APIs provided by a back-end server: The new Web application architectures and their impacts for enterprises – Part 1.We saw that they recently emerged thanks to the increasing performance of browsers and the rise of ind...

Web applications evolve. From static HTML sites first to AJAX applications more recently, through multiple dynamic technologies (PHP, ASP, Java, Ruby on Rails…), Web application architectures and their dedicated tools regularly experience major advancements and breakthroughs.For two years, we have seen a new wave of technologies coming, transformin...

Nous avons le plaisir d'accueillir le groupe Web Performance Paris, jeudi 7 novembre à partir de 19h, pour une soirée de présentations et d'échange dédiée aux performances web.Au programme :Introduction aux performances web — par Jean-Pierre VincentAnalyser le HTTP avec le proxy Charles — par Arnaud GuérasPrésentation du chargeur JavaScript jQl — p...